Monday, February 13, 2023

RIP Olaf Schuiling - his weathering work[s]

Professor Olaf Schuiling about Rock Stored Carbon

12/2 ------------------- 10dog ------ k10 ----- 6-galactic

RemineralizetheEarth ---- @remineralize
Jan 31
There is a vibrant community of researchers optimizing and scaling-up enhanced weathering, offering humanity a nature-based way to remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year, raising global awareness of the power of rock dust to restore depleted and degraded soils.
Crash Course on Enhanced Rock Weathering for Carbon Removal
Rock dust delivered to agricultural fields for

this theme runs like a breadcrumbed path thru my note pile .... it is a real and only ethical .. or 'ethicizable' economy

Dec 6, 2022
As expert Arina Duvenhage of the Garden of Eden Garden School teaches, there is a link between #soilhealth, food crop #nutrientdensity, and human health, making her approach of mixing #rockdust with biologically active aerobic #compost so successful.

An exciting enhanced weathering future
More longer term, multi-year research is needed, but current studies indicate that the use of rock dust does enhance the removal of CO2. Although researchers were cautious to explore potential negative impacts from its application, the evidence thus far indicates it to be safe for both marine life and crops. Next steps include more field work, raising public awareness, and the bringing together of all interested professionals, companies, nonprofits, communities, and governments to establish and work toward standards in enhanced weathering. It is also important to note emission reduction is still crucial in our work to slow down climate change. Current research indicates the rate of CO2  removal brought by enhanced weathering cannot keep pace with the current rate of emissions; we must see enhanced weathering as one important part of a multi-pronged strategy for the future.
The full conference schedule and some presentations are available free online.
Rob Steenkamp of the University of Hamburg [ int. env. law guy]

The Climate Cleanup Foundation held their 4th meeting in Amsterdam on May 4th, 2022. The day began with a general introduction to the theory of enhanced weathering. Experts from worldwide organizations including the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States, as well as Sven Jense, the founder of Climate Cleanup, introduced attendees to olivine, a type of basalt rock that is quite common and the focus of much of the research into enhanced weathering. Rob Steenkamp of the University of Hamburg wrapped up the introductory session with a talk on the legal aspects of using rock dust in marine environments, which introduced the first session’s topic: marine ecosystems.

Amanda Nevius is a nonfiction writer with 10 years of experience writing, editing, and proofreading educational and academic materials. She is a development officer at Recovery Partners of Vermont. She has a Master of Library & Information Science degree from Simmons University and a Bachelor of Arts in English degree from Brandeis University.

she did this:
Jul 2022 - Present = 8 months ::::::::: "These Boots Were Made For Who?" in Just Femme & Dandy -- July 4, 2022, issue 3 --------- 1,272 words plus 3 images ---- Explores how my favorite pair of thrifted boots helped me develop my queer, bisexual fashion sense and sustained me throughout the pandemic.

the scots lady:
 What is enhanced weathering? ----- ------ UNDO Carbon
35 subscribers -------- 128 views  Nov 23, 202

6.9Mb - about 30 pages
RTE White Paper: Remineralization for a Healthy Planet
“Soil Remineralization has the potential to play a critical role in sustainable agriculture, ecological restoration, carbon sequestration, and climate stabilization. . . Though simple and inexpensive, remineralization could revolutionize agriculture.” —Joanna Campe

Our white paper offers a thorough, up-to-date look at the science behind remineralization and enhanced weathering. It includes full chapters on soil fertility, rock dust for pest control, applications, combatting climate change, balancing soil pH, remineralization in forestry, soil remediation, the costs, and future research. With clear explanations and an extensive bibliography, it will kickstart your understanding of the field of remineralization.

a longer [about 4 page] gist by Meghan Willcoxon -- cognitive science researcher at Brown University. Her research investigates the ways we as pedestrians interact with each other in a crowd. Meghan has a passion for environmental advocacy, as well as puns.

Oct 11, 2022
Remineralizing the planet increases soils’ ability to absorb and store atmospheric CO2, thus combating global climate change without resorting to the elimination of hydrocarbons from the energy mix — declares David Munson’s book Get Real: A Positive Solution to Climate Change.

Oct 4, 2022
Lithos Carbon's Mary Yap and Dr. Noah Planavsky will present the company’s enhanced rock weathering CDR method for the agricultural sector. Tue, October 4, 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT

Sep 13, 2022
At today's webinar, “Biochar and Enhanced Weathering,” Dr. Lehmann (Cornell University) and Dan Maxbauer (Carleton College) will discuss the path ahead for the utilization for #biochar and #enhancedweathering.
To register, visit

441st follower == Remineralize the Earth -- 84 subscribers -- 1,896 views  Apr 3, 2012 -------- -- PhD in sustainable development at the University of Brasilia, speaks on the momentum of research and development behind Brazil's remineralization movement, and projects in Africa --- #SaveSoil #SustainableSolutions #ClimateChange

AGROECOLOGIA QUILOMBOLA Remineralization in Rural Brazil (English & subt. Portuguese) ---------  A documentary about a research project implemented by Suzi Huff Theodoro from the University of Brasilia helping farmers from remote Quilombo (Maroon) commun...
12 minute intvw by RTE JCampe who, co-temporily with me, racked up 4 decades worth of 'time for remin plexspenditure'

13/2 ------------------ 11monk ---- k11 ---- 7-galactic

 Double Nature Talk 3: olivine - Climate Cleanup
296 subscribers -- 275 views  May 16, 2020
Watch our third double nature talk about olivine. Pol Knops of Green Minerals and Eric Matzner of Project Vesta about the possibilities of olivine.

i have a query: suppose some people' found' a cheap [universal] easy [n clean] energy source. Would they try to ensure enforcement of earmarked use in order to prevent fueling Gatesian vir/vax 'plants' [just to name an, alas, no longer outlierish lay out on the complete opposite of the 'healy wholy' spectrum]? How do int. efforts fare? Not well, obviously. Overtaken by global mafiyosi obviously. I myself would counsel those people to shut up until such time as wheels of justice ain't so busted. What do yall thingck?

331Vs [woo germophobes in a richstitutional greenhouse]:
Climate Cleanup Retweeted Dec 23, 2022
Thanks Madelon Voorhoeve @MadelonVoorhoe1
 for donating 1555,00 euro together with Groupe Atlantic @ganlclimate
. Thanks @GeanneVanArkel
50thou tons RD late22

 Eric Matzner's talk about the inspiration of Olaf Schuiling.
Climate Cleanup -- 297 subscribers
55 views  Premiered Dec 24, 2021
Eric Matzner, climate entrepreneur and co-founder of Project Vesta (enhanced weathering), talking about the Dutch professor Olaf Schuiling at our Olaf Schuiling Award Ceremony, October 6, 2021. About perseverance, creative ideas and science...
Olaf Schuiling deceased December 19, 2021 at the age of 89.


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