Wednesday, August 24, 2022

strings are always attached .. like money

and so when you refuse to honour money you yourself emitted .. enuff to lose half of all the real value it 'stood' for ... there's hell to pay .... china owns half the us .. but not the farmland .... that belongs to the masker ... cleverly transferring / imposing 'values' as payback for refusing plain payment.

the vid before this one: 

Aug 18, 2022
Yunduo Ai
38.6K subscribers

don't work too hard ... in fact, .. have a holiday .. in Holland ... i'll show you the most 'dam'aging dumbness that ever sprang from, most tragically, larger blessed and largely blessing beginning than most get to learn gratitude for .... dumbness that this world ever targeted has - 'homesought' as the germans put it] ... see what i did there? i switched to german word sequence [as well as a transliteration]
... then she puts on a killer dress for a killing pluckluck ... aimed at popi's liddul helper i am sure ....

ps: yun duo is the queen of the high note and there are oodles and oodles of 'cover girls'