Monday, January 23, 2023

lustmastlast spint vaastdustkaaste hulp

23/1 ------------------------------------ 3dog ------ k250 ---- 14-resonant
Jaw Crusher by Greased up Dirty Diesel has a little rhythmic speed up idle the 5th minute due to big chuck ... A Cat scoop fed baby
this one is a few sizes bigger .. but what about permie paths along keyline swales and spinners rigged up for some micro polish? run off water slowth n growth .. peace even perhaps .... i ain't doin another 'My crushing passion' list again, only to have LizFongJones nix it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

E. Traverso on greychamp Primo Levi
RedKahina [Molly Klein] has a new scapegoat .. plenny of vids but all in italian except one:
 E. Traverso: Rethinking Primo Levi
Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien
1.23K subscribers
1,262 views  Dec 18, 2019
Ort: Dachfoyer des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs, 1010 Wien
One century after the birth and more than three decades after the death of Primo Levi, the time has come to go beyond his posthumous canonisation, and to   historicise his life and work by considering the distance that separates us from  his age. This means carefully distinguishing between his own present and the current uses of his writings.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

TMontyan vs Hasbarista youtube hilverzuim etc

is youtube more powerful than the United nations .... is 'hilfverzuim' equivalent to 'shillverzuim'?????
 Ukrainian Woman EXPOSES Zelensky's LIES At United Nations
The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
205K subscribers
57,020 views  Dec 31, 2022
Support the show with a contribution:
Olena Lev
Olena Lev
11 hours ago
She spoke at Euro Parliament 6 years ago and predicted everything would happen
Keith Brandon
Keith Brandon
12 hours ago (edited)
So good to see this strong woman speaking out. Thanks for showing this Jackson.
10 hours ago
Thank you for reporting this, Jackson Hinkle. It is extremely important that we hear the none Russian Ukrainian voices that have a clear view of what is happening in their country. I wish you a very happy New year and I wish we have world peace by Easter.
Tammy Raby
Tammy Raby
11 hours ago
Eva Bartlett has been reporting this since the start 2014    she's on the hit list !   True Canadian Patriot    watching from Northern BC
Kristina V
Kristina V
12 hours ago (edited)
That's Tatyana Montyan!!! She's the best!!! She's a lawyer, activist, and a true voice of reason from Ukraine!