Thursday, December 22, 2022

baffling ovation for Zelensky

baffling .... i am exceptional in very and not so obvious, actually most ways, more than i ever realized, and prolly still don't fully. Some of these 'plutopist' ways [visions, recipes, 'best of' memories barred to most] would, if understood and practiced, pretty soon so thoroughly transform ways lives are lived and run their course, suffering would diminish inversely proportional to pressures brought to bear between rock, it's all a matter of 'gratefulness'.
One of the times i am least comfortable and least grateful with that way things 'nou eenmaal' are [dutch sentence construction, sorry] is now ... i have to bear the brunt of awareness ...[and the frustration i fail and failed to transfer, transmit, relay nor pass it on and around]... all by my lonesome along with a few higher profile and concommitantly more harassed, banned and canceled observers, info sur and purveyors, that this guy and the entire US establishment celebrate the zenith of Bolshie aspiration as the flowers thereof personified .. but not at all so beautiful as they think of themselves, on the schizFlip mirroreveReverse!!!! very deadly and their biocidal tox covers generations, continents already ... with surely many of and 'in' that mindset do not plan to make halt at a mere single planet

ps: what could Stalin have 'accomplished' with a handful of Kommisars like this? Holodomurder of the entire world's graingrower population??????????????

Saturday, December 10, 2022

long chat instead of long post

11/12 -- 13star --- k208 ---- 28 overtone

 book Oz Effect Cryptoterrestrials, Music Theory, Matrix, Puharich, Nazi UFO noncommutativity alchemy
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
581 subscribers
10 views  Dec 10, 2022 The publisher responded this morning that "we may want to make a print version too."

Drew is making a transition here .. still needikneadin dat same dou do ... he himself says his book is finally done ... after 20 trial runs in as many years, half as many stacked and nixed blogspots .... and endless keytaps to various academics, many of whom answered and many of whom he here thanks.

whisper to the side: sompin vewee femmmie about his repetition recipeeeeee rainbow family routine rep of useless centroids come to mind ... old thought churned up ...

still ... what he does convey of value comes across his lips easier than it does via his fingertips ....

His most honest engyn confie comes at an hour 3m ....

i guess he and me be slendermen .. he doesn't realize it yet, holding on to that corporate world his dad made a living off of ... all the while likin his denial to appear plausible ............

if only i could nail eh .. mail ... eh ... 'guns-tstunt' ['gunst' is dutch for favor, kinda biblickee] gunhi[n]t him some 'god is number' memes to steep all the way up to pointy parts of head ... he'd be my warmest gun[stbewijzer{{ner}}d in fast approaching crick of crime .... why can't he team up with Mark Kulacz and the like? indeed why couldn't he.

No, it's really the saturn/moon connection k113Llinas showed having tie ins to my family line karma, where my best bet lies in terms of hope to burst the pinata ... the aspect i share w Meghan Markle is awaiting fully flowered glory via her slanderepellant Bouzy slapped onto GW vs CNN  ... i mean it's on a mayan schedule and who stacked stone more tirelessly than a mayan? Answer: they all do, all races of each colour do .... and so mote it be ... and be but never remain .. LOST