18+ Ukraine War: 21 killed on "Bloody Sunday" in Gorlovka, 4th anniversa...
patrick lancaster's latest - 4th anniversary. 27.07.2014 -- 2527Vs
ýoutube is reluctant to show it and one must insist and go after it agressively before they are convinced enough to bother giving you a last opt out choice/"warning" ..... but suppressing the truth is suicide under, by it's very nature[,] commie softwarism ... they'd rather do that than be accused of 'promoting' nazism (which is exactly what we see here, as real as iz is real if you mean what every dog knows to whistle ... hey .. teaching a dog to whistle will make world news there's zero doubt about that ... anybody need any hints on that? biting a bellowtoy like Colette sometimes has Jack do don't count though that's mere wog distlin ..