Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tractor Time Episode 30: Carey Gillam, Environmental Journalist, Author

from the monthly [newspaper format back in the eighties when it began to direct my life[ organic farm 'rag' ACRES, usa ......
she doesn't get to the point where Monsanto threatens a media campaign to prove Bayer's WWII roots unless ... they take on the 'sinstorm' this video is about ... but i bet that's exactly what it did take for Bayer to 'buy' it's competitor. good vid for my  'black jewish humor analysis' list but i put it on 'HORRID HELL ON EARTH EPISODE 10'[ the bottom link] below. first i'll give you some examples of vids that google/youtube lamestream occupied & big enough to be bad 'digitedia' like that throttle and hide ...  like Monsanto did the truth ... for as long as i have been an activist, ... a 'flinker' (that'll be pr for a dutchman 1000x as exceptional as Spinoza right?);
... AFTER ALL .. IT'S THE AGE OF BLUE CHECKMARKs AND RED ALARM DOTs .. gives new yet old meaning to bravery huh?
Know More News LIVE w/ Christopher Jon Bjerknes

black jewish humor analysis

Zio[wed]SinoSphear 5
Zio[wed]Sinospheare 5

HHoE 10 ====
Horr Hell on E 10 ====

the encore (NOT irrelevant):
GCL SS cupcakes Syrup vedors Big UPDATE
Ryan Dawson
Streamed live on May 29, 2019
Ry, major living source of hope and frust alternatingly ..

Ry and Andrew, that Bolton headline is quite a few days old; i've been getting news before it's news from Rowan Berkeley (who once did speak to me but gave up over a decade ago)
.................. 1 page later:
and what's that about enemies 'turned to dust' ?
you mean you all failed to make them turn to dust ? Again? ... still? .. nothing new there .... unlike the ton of 'Actimin' sitting by the side of the backroad to my fresh milk farm, hydrolevered off a truck.

i briefly spoke to the proprietor (hi-T lady) and found out she got it off the net searching for alt. herbicide .. i order to get rid of 'heermoes' .. some herb the lady of the miniature paradise (cough) doesn't like ... via pH improvement .. which actually IS the most sensible way of going about healing & improvement (in- and outside any and all bodies, it's how we 'roll') ... in all the nearly 40 years i have recommended people around here did just that :::::: AND were best placed to benefit (manure surplus which got extra toxic for ground and water since injection policies succeeded in 'covering' ground (and 'open' [thru the air] spraying equipment got phased out, timed out and perhaps burdened with penalties ... so that what once got lost to the air and gave our CultSure it's particular and regular STINK now tips all sorts of critical conditions over the edge :::::::::::: i got literally no-one to follow my advice and now am beaten by a line or 2 worth of gardening advice.

 the herb in question? Heermoes.
Equisetum arvense - Wikipedia
Equisetum arvense, the field horsetail or common horsetail, is an herbaceous perennial plant in ... The specific epithet arvense is from the Latin "arvum", meaning "ploughed", referencing the growth of the plant in arable soil or disturbed areas.

it's the plant BioDynamics (Steiner) uses in order to remedy silicacious process failures the energetics way instead of with more permanent more weighty tons of dust

jews are excellent with growth factors .. but not the ones they can't easily carry ... and you wonder why they're sympathetic to the kurds?

chaingang them to sewage treatment and teach them to nontox and perfect compost until it gets into their bloodlines .. literally ... long enouogh to sink into their genes and repurposes / reroots their nerdiness i'd say.

 i jewicided the jewyness out of it's jewiniche in my bloodline, give or take a few escapees .... don't let this recipe slip away pall .. or you actually deserve nothing more than making 'phun' of bromsnor types like Bolton ... look it up, his 'tegenspeler' was Swiebertje (the tramp hobo who gets treated by the maid serving the mayor whom the forester / cop [Bromsnor] is jealous and suspicious of (a long running show that was on tv on tv-day (saturday) the first tv years in Holland. Never got it all connected to Commedia del Arte (harlequin [[joker]] vs Pierrot, Cernunnos [precrhristian cuacasus god who had students / guards apollo and mercury in her terminal Paris period before being turned all the way inside out as Baphomet and as good as unrecognizable for most, .. The churning Of The Milk Ocean (das quirlen der milchozean) .. etcetera

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What Do These Photos Mean? | w/ Ryan Dawson, TPS #425

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tibet could become like Xinjiang [East Turkestan] – foreign policy expert

on my 3rd list (music mostly):

Tibet could become like Xinjiang [East Turkestan] – foreign policy expert






International Campaign for Tibet

Published on May 8, 2019

Dr. Elizabeth C. Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations was responding to a question from Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.) at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on May 8, 2019

very short vid with 'boxtop'* rep cheering the pope's 'active voice'

as Rowan Berkeley would prolly say (not that he blogs on tibet much)

Thursday, May 09, 2019

#31 The Origins of Communism and Its Tactics | China Unscripted

Tibet could become like Xinjiang [East Turkestan] – foreign policy expert