The Trans Train 2 (Swedish docu with English subtitles)
europe has only yesterday decided to begin a 'track and phase out' process (determining which uses are 'essential' and irreplacable) for the pefas substances (4700 toxic chemicals) ... 5 generations after beginning to use them on a grand and rapidly globalizing scale.
Focal points of bruntbearers like Sweden, known for indulgence in tec, more than for wariness of toxtec .. and we have let all tec go tox, let's be honest .... have hell on earth unceasing cause STILL in denial about said affairs as direct causes for the worries and travails this docu traces, ... and that goes for just about all sjw ultra leftlib tranwreck tribalution hotspots. Take Toronto. More than a few docus show that the age old maffia method of escaping tox earmarks via dilution ::::[tried and 'true' once upon a time .... but with 'hazardacity' of waste achieving lifespans ... i mean deathspans [[[lifespan prevention and bypass properties so undead, unburiable and unmournable that they creep towards those of their siblings, duh nuclear varieties]:::: made the problems worse!!!!!
Slib and sludge took a trip to the country and ended up back on the plates of the people that dished it out but couldn't take it, i mean recycle it. Well, ... take it back they did, and to prevent that they'd now turn the clock back if they could ... cause to see their descendants suffer probs unlodgeables from their very vitals, is ... well ... see for yourself ...
The testy tox of time .. 'sacriligionated' unmentioned and unconnected to this 'spectrekill':