tension--resolution X binary--plurality
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Hellstorm - RationalWiki
Hellstorm: The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany is a 2015 neo-Nazi "documentary", written and directed by white nationalist Kyle Hunt, with an accompanying website, that sets out to prove that it was the Germans who truly suffered during WWI and WWII.The film was produced by Renegade Films with music by "Omniphi". Released 01 May 2015, as of 20 June 2015 the film had 250,000 views and 3,300 likes.
piet steenkneder November 25, 2022 at 1:33 pm Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Ryan Dawson streamed the docu and one of his 2 interviews with the maker on cozy.tv yesterday .. that means it will be up for a few more days. thereafter you need to search his archive.
one of my all time top fave pods [not good for those allergic to commies]:
Mike Ely’s Myth of Thanksgiving -- BangWave Radio
Nov. 11, 2016 ------ ...Native American Historian, Mike Ely wrote a great essay on the subject back in 2008 and it has been produced […]...
click right side of mouse and point it to "save as" to get an mp3
https://www.mixcloud.com › podcastsbangwaveradio › mike-elys-myth-of-thanksgiving ----------- The USA is about to have a yearly genocide orgy and following consumerist pandemonium. It's time for a few moments of clarity. The truth of Thanksgiving is not at all taught in school or demonstrated in pop culture. Native American Historian, Mike Ely wrote a great essay on the subject back in 2008 and it has been produced ..
this one prolly doesn't work anymore:
https://leftclickblog.blogspot.com › 2008 › 11 › native-blood-truth-behind-myth-of.html -------------- Native blood: the truth behind the myth of `Thanksgiving Day' By Mike Ely It is a deep thing that people still celebrate the survival of the early colonists at Plymouth — by giving thanks to the Christian God who supposedly protected and championed the European invasion. The real meaning of all that, then and now, needs to be continually excavated.
a transcript:
his own site a year before it's last:
THREADS ON MAOISTS [hardier / ruraler folk] IN NEPAL [harassed by paranoid statists over perceived secessionist 'tendonsees']
possibly last article: Badiou: left impotence and greek fascism
... points to:
someone comments says it's gone, another offers a few i do not recognize /and or remember [anymore?]
All Power To The Positive! (pod cannon)
May 1st, God Dammit! (minicast)
as a thankee desert speziolee for Ry, the last article on their archive page with 9 cherries on top ... i mean 9 commentariants adangle ....
The Emancipation Proclamation at 150 ------- by Eric Foner
One hundred and fifty years ago this week occurred one of the crucial turning points of the American civil war and, indeed, of American history. Not on the battlefield, although at Antietam on 17 September 1862, a Union army forced Confederates under Robert E Lee to abandon their invasion of Maryland. Rather, it came five days later, when Abraham Lincoln issued “A Proclamation” warning the south that if the war did not end within 100 days, he would declare slaves in areas under rebellion “forever free”.
whoops, .. they went on at least another year
The Child Author Ukraine Wants SILENCED - Faina Savenkova
iEarlGrey ---------- 103K subscribers ------ 17,723 views Nov 23, 2022 ------------ I had the privilege to speak to Faina Savenkova, a 14-year-old resident of the Lugansk Republic who was placed on the Myrotvorets (Peacemaker) “hit list” of the Ukrainian government after she issued a call to the United Nations for an end to the war she has lived through since 2014 through her courageous writing.
Faina has recieved many awards for her work. You can watch her recieve one such award on her youtube channel here: https://youtu.be/OiQuI0MskEw?t=17
Faina is an outstanding young lady, who in my opinion, puts the Collective West to shame. To me, Faina's bravery, dedication and fortitude is a shining example of how far the West and Western journalism has fallen. ------------ https://vk.com/faina2021
ps: Ry censored my comment .... bad boy ... hope it will keep it's value ... worth being reminded of and called a hypocrite over .....
i posted a replacement:
DESPITE BEING CENSORED HERE my offer stands: 500 dollars each for RD and george [ziocidal fab conductor] schweigert webb to stay in the verbal ring at least an hour .... at least once .. we're one trial run closer meanwhile but GW calling RD an njc did not help matters.
kinda dread goin to see if he left THAT one up ......
George Webb has mentioned him a few times, praising his work on Epstein but making clear it was incomplete.
New reveals on that score in the Whitney Webb book out now