Let's get physicational here shillyshell we?
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http://newswire.indymedia...828373.shtml Sleepwalking through slaughter: on the western media's concealment of crimes against humanity David Wearing is a regular contributor to UK Watch and Information Clearing House. He is also author of the website The Democrat’s Diary democratsdiary.co.uk :::::: piet: I'm only posting the footnotes here:
(1) On the illegality of the use of white phosphorus see George Monbiot’s letter to the Times, plus commentary, on the Medialens message board 17 November 2005 (boardhost.com/medialens/msg/..).
On the Iraqi government interior ministry’s torture chambers, see “Abuse reports fuel Iraqi tensions”, Jim Muir, BBC News website, 16 November 2005 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/.. ).
On the use of death squads see “Frontline police of new Iraq are waging secret war of vengeance”, Peter Beaumont, The Observer, 20 November 2005 ( http://observer.guardian.co.uk/.l) . As the Washington Post reported, these militia are often “trained and equipped by the United States and Britain”. See “Militias on the Rise Across Iraq”, Anthony Shadid and Steve Fainaru, Washington Post, 21 August 2005 (washingtonpost.com/.. ). The use of paramilitary death squads by the new Iraqi government follows in the best traditions of US-backed client regimes in the third world, particularly in Latin America. For background, see the website of the pressure group “School of Americas Watch” (soaw.org/ ) and, for the results of the School’s education, see chapter 2 of Noam Chomsky’s “What Uncle Sam Really Wants”, 1993 (zmag.org/chomsky/..).
(2) “Mouse Journalism is the only way we can report on Iraq – Fisk”, Matthew Lewin, Press Gazette, 13 October 2005, (pressgazette.co.uk/article/. ).
(3) “From Baghdad: a Wall Street Journal reporter’s email to friends”, Farnaz Fassihi, Common Dreams, 30 September 2004 (commondreams.org/.. ).
“The End of News”, Michael Massing, The New York Review of Books, 1 December 2005.
(4) “US forces ‘out of control’ says Reuters chief”, Julia Day, The Guardian, 28 September 2005 (guardian.co.uk/..).
(5) Although Mark LeVine, professor of modern Middle Eastern history at the University of California, recently pointed out that, whilst the anarchy in Iraq is widely assumed to be an unmitigated disaster for the occupiers, one should not be blind to the benefits they may accrue from, or their willingness and ability to take advantage of, the lawless situation as it stands. See “Where Chaos is King”, Mark LeVine, TomDispatch, 25 October 2005 (tomdispatch.com/..).
(6) “White phosphorus: weapon on the edge”, Paul Reynolds, BBC News website, 16 November 2005 ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/.. ).
(7) “’Unusual weapons’ used in Fallujah”, Dahr Jamail, Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches, 26 November 2004 (dahrjamailiraq.com/hard_news/.. ).
(8) “US used banned weapons in Fallujah – Health Ministry”, al-Jazeera, 3 March 2005 (aljazeera.com/..d=7216).
(9) “Diving into Falluja”, Nick Welsh, Santa Barbara Independent, 17 March 2005 ( http://www.independent.com/cover/Cover956.htm ).
(10) “Stories from Fallujah”, Dahr Jamail, Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches, 8 February 2005 ( http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/..).
(11) “The Generals love Napalm”, David Cromwell, ZNet, 30 March 2005 ( zmag.org/content/..7555).
(12) “Chemical Weapons Used in Iraq”, George Monbiot, UK Watch, 15 November 2005 (ukwatch.net/article/1194).
(13) “Bringing out the Dead”, George Monbiot, Monbiot.com, 8 November 2005 (monbiot.com/../ ).
(14) “Burying the Lancet – Part One”, Medialens, 6 September 2005 (ukwatch.net/article/983 ).
“Burying the Lancet – Part Two”, Medialens, 6 September 2005 (ukwatch.net/article/985 ),
“Burying the Lancet – Update”, Medialens, 12 September 2005 (ukwatch.net/article/1009).
(17) Fassihi, “From Baghdad: a Wall Street Journal reporter’s email to friends”. Lewin “Mouse Journalism is the only way we can report on Iraq – Fisk”.
(18) “Falluja’s Health Damage”, Miles Schuman, The Nation, 24 November 2004 (thenation.com/..).
(19) For example, on Fallujah, see “Remembering the First Siege of Fallujah”, Omar Kahn and Dahr Jamail, ZNet, 14 February 2005.
On Haditha and al-Qa'im, see “Censoring the Carnage”, Antiwar.com, 24 June 2005, (antiwar.com/jamail/?articleid=6425).
(20) “Secret MoD Poll: Iraqis support attacks on British troops”, Sean Rayment, 23 October 2005, The Daily Telegraph (http://telegraph.co.uk/..). On the occupation being the principal cause of most of the violence in Iraq see my “How to Withdraw from Iraq”, 17 October 2005, UK Watch (ukwatch.net/article/1091).
(21) “Don’t Betray Iraq”, Leader, The Observer, 20 November 2005 (observer.guardian.co.uk/.. ), “Signposting the Exit”, Leader, The Guardian, 21 September 2005 (guardian.. ), Ann Clwyd was speaking on BBC Newsnight, BBC 2, 17 November 2005. Transcript via Medialens website at medialens.org/forum/..
he either
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pulpculture Says stuff about technorati --- November 1st, 2005 at 11:31 am -- piet Says: ------- don’t trust that place I don’t. Blogs that rank (blogflux) a 4 are still worth nothing if technorati (and the cute smile opp guy) don’t like you. I tried using technorati (mainly in searches for Ward Churchill) and run into anything from juvenilesque naive to calloused and assinine right wing sites.
November 2nd, 2005 at 6:54 am -- pulpculture Says: Yah, it was just a joke, though. Having fun with the whole blogosphere is the center of the universe thing. But hey, if it makes people want to have a business blog because it’s the hottest thing since sliced white bread, then I’m game. I’m a shameless bitch like that.
culture labiant points me to a blog that looks good:
categories there: Kids - Oil - Parenting - The State - War -- from the smallish linklist: differenzmaschine.blogsome.com/ this one requires
a pref installed browser to test the content tranquilly.
one specimen from labiant lass her siterings:
waveflux.net/archives/001717.php Brace yourself for "Blogging: Don't forget your paper bag" wherein a concluding paragraph that goes (out) like this: "Still, I can't argue with Atrios' suggestion of anonymity for people testing the blog waters, which are cold, murky, and turbulent. And the undertow is a
bitch. You'll irritate some people who'll say anonymity undermines credibility on a given subject, but you're probably the best judge of whether that's so. Besides, irritating people seems to be a large part of what blogging is all about." emphasis by piet
reference links and an anchored menu to go along with and
help hold up a pithy article: CUCKOO ECONOMICS (Abridged Ed.) Gavin R. Putland 31 Oct 2005 16:30 GMT ------- By deliberately confusing assets that can be *produced* with assets that can only be *acquired*, modern economics laid the ideological foundation for unemployment, poverty, inequality, and the looming global depression.
CUCKOO ECONOMICS (Original Ed. released Oct.19, 2005) Contents -- 1. Bird brains ----- 2. Counterfeit "capital" ----- 3. Bait and switch ----- 4. The preferred enemy ----- 5. "Natural" unemployment ----- 6. All-devouring rent ----- 7. "Free" trade ----- 8. The cause of recessions ----- 9. The U.S. dollar bubble ----- 10. Rogue states ----- 11. The Great Depression of 2006–? ----- 12. Summary
universist.org/ also via the newswire http://universist.org/richarddawkins.htm looks like some competition for hyperstition oh no wait, different approach, they stoop to linking christian sites too.
planetartnetwork.info/page120.aspx (Ashland, Oregon, USA). The design of the first of 13 rapidly developing self-sustainable Centers for the Restitution(,
investigation) and Education of the Natural Mind ("CREST") has begun under the project management of Dutch architect and producer Daniel Lipschits. The pilot
project is located on 52 acres of undeveloped wilderness near the Sea of Cortez in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
lawoftime.org/research/rinri/hello2012.html Hello America - 2012 is Just Around the Corner, is Anybody Listening? -- "The world is changing. Those who seize the initiative will do well." (I Ching Shamanic Oracle of Change, commentary to line one, Hexagram 17) ---------- Rinri, the Japanese word from which this Newsletter derives its title, means ethical enlightenment. As we approach the closing of the cycle, the need for a global ethical enlightenment has never been greater, especially since we have entered the Way of Wielding Power. The nation most in need of such enlightenment is the United States of America, the most benighted nation on Earth. Hello, America, is anybody listening? 2012 is just around the corner. It's not too late to choose the path of the future, the path of Thirteen Moons, and forsake your identity as Americans. It will be good for the planet if you can do so.
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gathering-vid.htm QT 1.6Mb (not working)
hippy doodles
intelligentinfinity.com/showcase/harmonic/index.html QT (really pretty thingy)
principalityofcamside.cc/main.htm WM video enhanced simulation
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zappa fan http://keesz.blogspot.com/ ---- shoutcast.com/ my own frankz online radio(type 'frankz' in search box - Tune In) this doesn't actually work but searching with 'zappa' gets you 3 stations (one of which goes round the clock!)
http://hyperstition.abstractdynamics.org/archives/006726.html Nick: 'Problem solving' (rock grinding and solubilizing it with rain and plant sap) seems right, but what is a 'problem' other than a place-holder for a yet undiscovered solution? A productive innovation retrospectively exposes a prior problem that need not have been recognized as such in advance. The merely definitional and the substantive slide into each other easily in this area. ----- your last line gains valence if you allow interpretation of the cryptic 'problem solving' thusly: rock grinding and solubilizing it with rain and plant sap.
I Don't know which is more morally reprehensible -- insurgents hiding among civilians or The military attacking civilians to get at The insurgents. ... dailykos.com/story/2004/11/19/84135/626 - 127k -- 30 results for that phrase
a dutch blogger flattered me by offering a spot in his linklist but since it is small the proximity to a james randi one made me feel claustrophobic and I asked to be spared. Proof the Randians can't be trusted made up one of the 30 results just mentioned (I had to grab the cache to read this):
US Military Cowardice Costing Civilian Lives Posted by Mr Manifesto on 09-26-2004 02:21 AM: This is what happens when you're too gutless to send ground troops after enemy forces, leaving it to 'extremely precise' airstrikes instead. Civilians get killed, every time. Yet there are still those who say that the US military are going to great lengths to minimise civilian casualties.
Don't make me laugh.
_____the url now directs you to a thread called:
Johnny Carson Talking to James Van Whatshisname, from beyond the grave...